December Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 8:03 pm.
Urgent business was  discussed. Brittinie moved that we pay Ellen back the money owed. Joshlyn second the motion. Motion passed.

Old business was discussed.

Community Service:
Todd moved that we participate in the Angel Tree.  No more than $25 per/kid. Chose one boy and one girl. Joshlyn second the motion. Motion passed. Everyone is to meet at the mall on the 22nd at 10:30am.

Brittinie moved everyone brings at least six cookies to the craft fair.  Arrive at 5:45pm on the 12th and volunteer with card, reindeer, ornament and angel crafts. Richard second the motion. Motion passed

Family Night:
Gift exchange at McDonalds after everyone is done with the Angel Tree. The limit is $5 and the minimum is $1.50.
Voted. Motion passed.

Joshlyn moved that we adjourn the meeting. Morgan second the motion. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:34pm.

PRESENT: Joshlyn, Brittinie, Morgan, Erin, Todd, Laura and Richard.

January Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:37 pm

No Discussion of old business.

Community Service:
Richard moved that we pick up around the school if it doesn't snow or shovel snow in town if it does snow. Meet at the school on Saturday the 23rd at 1:00 pm. Michael second the motion. Motion passed.

Family Night:
Todd moved that we go bowling Sunday the 31st. Meet at the bowling alley at 9am and bowl to 11 am. The club pays $20 for rental of two lanes. Members responsible for the fee of rental shoes. Michael second the motion. Motion passed.

Other Business:
Richard moved that we sell candy bars. Morgan second the motion. Motion passed.

Todd moved that we sell the candy bars at a booth in Wal-Mart. Richard second the motion. Motion passed;

Richard moved that we adjourn the meeting. Todd second the motion. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 pm

PRESENT: Richard, Erin, Laura Todd, Michael and Morgan.

February Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:37 pm.
 Community Service:
Richard moved we do Jump-Rope for Heart and try to get Wal-Mart to donate. Michael second the motion. Motion passed.
Family Night:
Michael moved we go to Dairy Queen after the booth sale. Richard second the motion. Motion passed.

Erin (me) moved we do the booth sale at City Market. Richard second the motion. Motion passed.

Laura moved we adjourn the meeting. Richard second the motion. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:06 pm.

PRESENT: Michael, Richard, Laura, Erin.

March Meeting

Meeting called to order at 6:40 pm

Family night:
Jessi moved we go to the movie October Sky Friday at 4:25 at the Trans-Lux theater. Todd second the motion. Motion passed.

Community Service:
Erin moved that we do do Jump-Rope for Heart March 13th at the mall from 9 am to 11 am. Michael second the motion. Motion passed.  Wal-Mart will donate twice the amount we get from separate sponsors.

Laura appointed Jessi -------- as the Parliamentarian.

Jessi moved we adjourn the meeting. Michael second the motion. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm
PRESENT: Laura, Jessi, Todd, Michael, Erin.

April Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm.

Treasurers report: $69.59

Discussion of old business. Jessi talked about the movie October Sky.

Community Service:
Jessi moved that we make bird houses on Sunday 11th at noon at  Gateway park. Everyone is to bring a milk jug, and string. Michael second the motion. Motion passed.

Jessi moved we do a booth sale at Albertsons or City Market and set up a calling tree. Todd second the motion. Motion passed.

Richard moved we adjourn the meeting . Jessi second the motion. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at  7:34 pm.

PRESENT: Paul Kotts +1, Jessi, Erin, Richard, Michael, Laura, Todd.

May Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:35

Discussion of old business.

Discussion of books and fair projects

Family night:
It was voted that for Family Night we participate in the 10 mile bike-a-thon.

Discussion of the livestock tour on the 23rd at noon.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:29